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Runtime Assembly Instrumentation Library Project
Dependable Systems Group
Department of Computer Science
University of Coimbra - Portugal

   . B. Cabral, P. Marques, L. Silva, "RAIL: Code Instrumentation for .NET", in Proc. of the 2005 ACM Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC'05), ACM Press, Santa Fé, New Mexico, USA, March 2005

   . B. Cabral, P. Marques, L. Silva, "RAIL: Code Instrumentation for .NET" (extended abstract), in Proc. of the ACM OOPSLA'04 Conference Companion, ACM Press, Vancouver, Canada, October 2004

   . B. Cabral, P. Marques, L. Silva, "IL Code Instrumentation with RAIL", .NET Developers Journal, Vol. 2, #1, pp. 34, January-2004

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